
Showing posts from September, 2022

45 year old with white fungus and loss of vision treated at MAA ENT Hospital

Hyderabad September 2022 : Dr.K.R.Meghanadh Chief ENT Surgeon, MAA E.N.T Hospital and his team happy to inform that a 45 years old male patient who admitted with loss of vision from right eye was throughly diagnosed and treated successfully Patient initially had a severe pain in the right eye and headache on right side, later on 10th September he had  double vision and on 11 th   September started noticing decreased vision on right side followed with complete loss of vision. On examination we observed sluggish pupillary reflex with no vision in the right eye and purulent material in the right side of nose. CT and MRI showed fungal infection involving the right-side sinuses and right orbit Our team has come to conclusion that these rapid onset of symptoms might be due to fungal infection. So, immediately we admitted the patient and started antifungal medications which covers both white and black fungus and after 12 hrs we operated and removed disease from all the sinuses and righ